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Outclass the Competition
by Harold Almon 512-821-2699

Business Social Dining Etiquette Step to the Head of the Class Class in Eating a Class in Class

A pre-dinner drink at table can be offered at a table, when one was omitted at a bar.  It is called an aperitif: (an appetite starter.) It is to be placed to the right of all other glasses. In a commercial dining room, a pre-dinner drink is to be placed atop a cocktail napkin when it is served, rested, or finished. It and this glass may be removed when the drink is finished.

When seated at a dining table a large napkin is to be placed on your lap fold towards you, before drinking or eating anything. A guest may be heard to say, “Please order me a drink. I’II be right back,” or “Where can I wash my hands.” A guest could wait to do this until after reading or ordering from a reusable menu. Once someone does this, expect the next act: a visit to the bathroom; it is station six. Now remember, put your napkin on your chair seat, on a book or a bag on your chair if you like, and “Go wash your hands and get ready to come to or stay at the table.”

Avoid keeping a dinner napkin a part of your cover. When you are in a chair at a table, it is to be atop of your lap.

It is my wish to assist you in locating the drink which is yours and knowing which drink is mine.

1. “With each hand make an OK sign.
2. Place each hand on the table.
3. Left to right – where you see the “b” is the side for your bread. Where you see “d” is the side for your drink.”
4. To the subject say, “Good night.” That glass to your right is yours. This one is mine.

Avoid making the OK sign in public at other times. In some cultures it is the same as making the finger.

Avoid adding a straw or lid to any glass “For here” to be used inside. Straws can be used in a container or can anywhere. Remember the sign; beverages are to be taken up from the right side using the right hand.

To Take a Drink

When at table, place your eating implements in the rest position for style in which you are eating. Pat the napkin to your lips and place it back on your lap. Then, elbows down and in, take a drink.

Avoid being at table drink in one hand and napkin or food in the other.

Water at Table

When a guest is to be at table a water glass is to be set at each setting. When under a roof “Water for here” is to be served in a glass. The water glass is to be set to the right of the plate space above the tip of the knife. Yes, this is your glass. In a private home, each water goblet is to be filled ¾ full prior to the time people come to the table.

In a commercial dining room, water is to be served, after people are seated, from the right. When a beverage is to be served in addition to water, a water glass can be used for it or a glass specifically named for the beverage to be served may be added to the right of it.

In informal service, it can be provided when requested and given in a ceramic glass or a cup. Avoid asking for and or using a lid or a straw. At some point, omit the Sippy cup and risk that the drink might not tip.

Before taking a drink of any beverage eating implements are to be placed in the rest position for the style in which you are eating. Pat or blot your mouth with the corner of your napkin and return it to your lap.

A water glass is to be picked up by the stem with the right hand, and with elbow down and in, taken to the mouth, and a sip (pour) of water is to be taken.

The rest and finished position for the glass is in the table setting position. At a table, avoid placing a napkin under a water glass.

In a private home, the water glass can be refilled at the table, by a server, or guests from a pitcher on the table, or the hostess can offer it from a pitcher on a sideboard.

In a commercial dining room, the water glass can be refilled by a server without being lifted from the table.